FXX Cake

What We Did

We made a show.

Animation. Live Action. Music. Comedy. Diverse Voices. Cake is where they all collide and explode into a 30-minute roller coaster viewing experience. A half-hour showcasing original and curated works from the best short-form storytellers around the world. FX asked us to crack the nut on how to bring all this premium ooey-gooey-goodness together for FXX and Hulu . . . a never-before-seen recipe for how a show combining different voices and mediums could look, feel, and taste.

Cake Season 1 Cake Season 2 Cake Season 3 Cake Season 4 Cake Season 5
  • 5 Seasons
  • 47 Episodes
  • 200+ Artists

How We Did It

We started with the belief that short-form and prestige could be synonymous. FX had collected a library of hundreds of shorts, and from those we curated the best of the best, plus added some of our own finds to the mix. We had the what. We just needed to figure out the how — how do all of these juxtapositions from piece to piece flow together? The possibilities for what this show could be were endless. It didn’t even have a title until a few months into production!

Blended, beaten, whipped, dipped . . . You name it, we tried it.


Magical Collaborations


The initial ask was to come up with a cohesive framework that could showcase the best of short-form storytelling in animation and live action. We took a step back and saw this as an opportunity to partner with some of our favorite artists to create original, SLAQR produced pieces for the show. From curating artists to developing ideas and seeing them through each step of production, our goal was to provide a platform where new talent could shine. We worked with filmmakers, animators, and musicians to create standalone shorts, animated series, and even live-action/animation/live-performance hybrids. Scroll through the videos on the right.


Building on the foundation of diverse voices and amazing talent, we were excited to cultivate a space for the intersection of other mediums as well. What better way to present these shorts than to add yet another layer of artistry to serve as the cohesive glue — which led us to MUSIC.

Music is an essential ingredient in everything we make at SLAQR, so curating emerging musicians and pairing them with independent animators felt as easy as making toast. Together, these pairings create what we call “interstitials” — music visualizers that thread together the pieces of one episode. These magical collaborations not only serve to tie an episode together thematically, but exist as independent meditative works that soothe the soul, adding a dimensionality to the show that would amplify the artistry across the board, and work towards championing emerging artists. Voilà! Our secret sauce.


Just say no to snoozy credit beds. SLAQR added some zazzle to the back end of each episode by making custom credit designs inspired by each season’s bumpers.

Cake is a place to discover and be discovered.

There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing a fan of the show ask “Who was the artist that was featured in this episode?” or “Who wrote that end credits song?”

As of January 2022, we’ve created 47 episodes for the series. Sample a taste. ;)

Take a bite.

“An antidote to peak TV’s algorithm.” “Hypnotic.” “Funny and weirdly sincere.” CAKE’s been on a roll, collecting accolades for being equal parts satisfying and wild. The icing on top? Mamaoudou Athie (he plays Jerome in the first anchor series Oh Jerome, No) was nominated for a 2020 Emmy for Outstanding Actor In A Short Form Comedy Or Drama Series. OH, HELLS YES!



We tell stories about stories. Stories you can feel.

SLAQR is where bold storytellers go to take leaps, expand their vision, and introduce premium content to global audiences. Valued for its meticulous point of view and expertise in brand positioning and content creation, SLAQR is built on the legacy of mindful partnership cultivated with a select list of entertainment innovators who embrace breaking formulas, provoking emotion, and driving culture.

SLAQR was founded in 2010 by Monina Verano, an artist turned entrepreneur, who has built an integrated business championing creative work, empowering creative people, and inspiring the creative process. When Monina decided to step away, SLAQR Studios was established in 2023 by Executive Creative Director, Michelle Simunovic and Executive Producer, Julia Grimm. Follow SLAQR Studios as the journey continues.


The year is 2024. We are everywhere and nowhere.




Let theWork Speak



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Boom. Sent.